Friday, November 14, 2008

Dressing Up...

I don't know if your kids are like ours, but they always decide right after Halloween (I really don't even like that connotation) what they'd like to be the following year. Of course, when September rolls around, the ideas have changed and we go back and forth before their choice is approved. I wish I could keep our kids in homemade costumes forever. I love the nostaglia and sentimental value to having done it myself. My favorite of Banner's was a rodeo clown when he was two, but somehow I've been unable to convince him to do it again. Fortunately, Lily could wear the Raggedy Ann costume, which I made for Hope when she was a baby. At the same time, spare time has decreased with each added child. So the big kids got store-bought this year... and I thought they turned out pretty cute. Banner's pants wound up being too short thanks to a growth spurt, which I won't complain about. Stan and I were John McCain and Sarah Palin... however, I'm sure I looked a lot more like Palin than he looked like McCain. Thanks to a good friend for the loan of "the glasses."

McCain-Palin (too bad we lost)and our two oldest... maybe a little reluctant.

The Royal Knight Scarborough and his beloved Queen Hope.
The sweetest Raggedy Ann we know (who happens to love candy). She thought this thing where you get candy in a basket was pretty neat.

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